Gretna Surgery Central Avenue, Gretna, DG16 5NA | Tel: 01461 338317


Non-urgent advice: COVID-19 Notice

In line with national guidance, Gretna Surgery will be operating differently to protect patients and staff from possible transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

IF YOU HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS (a new continuous cough and/ or fever/ high temperate which ishigher than 37.8C or above/ loss of taste or smell) THEN STAY HOME AND FOLLOW GUIDANCE ON THE NHS INFORM WEBSITE


Each appointment with the Doctor is 10 minutes which allows the Doctor enough time to help one patient with one problem. If you have more than one issue/patient to discuss please let Reception know when booking the appointment so it can be made longer. By letting us know it helps the Doctors to run on time and you dont feel rushed in the appointment.


Childhood Immunisations are held on a Monday afternoon and are still going ahead through COVID-19 due to these been an important need to children.


We have now restarted routine and non-urgent services such as Chronic Disease/ Yearly reviews, Ear Syringing, Spirometry. If you would like to see the Nurse please contact us on 01461 338317 to arrange an appointment.